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10 Lessons Learned in 2018

I have been in my twenties for a whole year now and I seemed to grasp some valuable lessons that will help not only me, but you go far in life. After doing some reflecting on 2018, I realized that I was definitely focusing more on the people around me and the bigger picture rather than myself and the little things around me. With that being said, here’s 10 lessons I learned in 2018.

1. No one really has their shit together...ever.

I learned that I should stop trying to compare my life to others because, you never really know what’s going on behind closed doors. As much as you THINK someone has their shit together they most likely don’t. We all have our own problems and secrets, some people are just hiding it better than others.

2. The goal is to graduate, no matter how long it takes.

I for sure wanted to graduate in four years when I first started college. However, I changed my major, switched schools, and right now in the process of trying to decide whether I want to take the semester off. And you know what? All of this is okay, things happen. Not everyone graduates in four years; some graduate in four and a half, some even five. Know that It doesn’t matter the path you take as long as you make it to the finish line.

3. It’s not always about what you know but who you know. - getting jobs, internships, etc.

MAKE CONNECTIONS WITH PEOPLE! Simply talk to people, and be genuinely nice to them {unless they’re rude.} The amount of times I’ve overheard my friends talk about their parents knowing someone who knows someone to get them a job or internship is crazy ridiculous. I support the connections, however we are all getting older. Mommy and Daddy won’t always be here to do it for us, so this is our time to start speaking up, make lasting impressions on people and connecting ourselves to people who can help us in the future.

4. If and when there’s a conflict, always ALWAYS address it face to face.

If you have an issue with someone, take it up with that person, face to face. I know this sounds like an easy lesson, but we’re in a society where everyone runs to twitter or addresses issues in messages and it honestly disgusts me.Face to face communication is highly important during conflict; It takes a lot of guts to do it. You also give and receive that raw emotion you wouldn't necessarily have over text.

5. Sometimes you just gotta tell it like it is.

Sorry sis, the truth hurts but you needed to hear it.

6. We’re all at different stages of our lives..even at the age of 20 and IT’S ALL GUCCI.

Kylie Jenner and I are the same age. Homegirl has a million dollar company and a baby. I however am a broke college girl who lives at home. IT IS OKAY. One day I truly hope to be as successful as her. The point is, we’re all doing different things at this time of our life, some are getting married, starting a family, traveling, in college..the list goes on. Stop judging people on the lives that they’re living, because at the end of the day it’s theirs not yours. Let that hate go sweetie, let them live.

7. Sometimes the best company is me, myself and I.

I love spending time with myself!! Oh my gosh, it’s amazing.I used to be one of those people who always had to do something with someone besides watch netflix but now I literally do so much on my own. 10/10 recommend.

8. It’s good to keep some parts of your life or future decisions private because not everyone is going to be excited for you or even vice versa.

People are always going to have an opinion on what they believe you should or shouldn’t do but if it’s really something you want to do, do it. You’ll figure it out. Some things are just better left unsaid. Not everyone needs to know everything. Transparency isn’t always a good thing, especially if you’re sensitive like me.

9. The people you surround yourself with can ultimately have an affect on your goals and aspirations in life.

I’m not saying you need to get new friends, but maybe reevaluate them. I’ve gone through a lot of friends, and reflecting back I realized that what I wanted at my time in life is a lot of what they wanted to do. This was sometimes a good thing, and sometimes a bad thing. Surround yourself with people who have common goals and interests as you. You accomplish more that way.

10. Peer evaluation is just as important as self evaluation.

People always say you need to look back and reflect on yourself, but never to hear what your friends have to say about you. Peer evaluation is like peer editing; there’s things your friends or family notice that you don’t. So every once in awhile, ask someone who will tell you about yourself. It may not be what you want to hear, but sorry sis you needed to.

I’m very excited to see what the year 2019 brings. Here’s to more lessons, legal drinking and trips. Kisses and best wishes,

Love always.


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