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Life Lessons

We all know life is full of unforgettable experiences and mistakes we can’t take back. Yet the single most important thing we can take from these moments are the criticism, lessons or advice given after the occurence. In the past few months, I’ve learned two very essential life lessons. Though I have not perfected these lessons in totality, I have accepted them and am really trying to better myself. I really hope you can learn from the pieces of advice I’ve encountered and hope it has such a big impact on your life as it did mine.

1 + 1=1

The other day, my mom and I were having a conversation about relationships. She told me that there was a sermon she had heard in her younger days that she would never forget. The title of the sermon was 1+1=1. One human being coming together with another human being equals ONE relationship. She then began to explain to me that when you begin to look for someone to spend the rest of your life with, you have to make sure that not only you but your significant other can stand alone. She continued to talk about how vital self love is because, in reality, you cannot love someone else properly if you do not love yourself unconditionally. Not only does this apply to self -love, this also applies in financial and life crisis situations. Granted, not everyone is going to be perfect and things happen, but you should not get yourself hooked up with someone who does not completely have their life together. She also said you can’t fix people and their problems because, when you become a whole, their problems become your problems. And you know what? That really stuck with me. I’m obviously not getting married anytime soon nor am I dating anyone but, this life lesson is one I’ll never forget and for sure use when the time comes.

You are responsible for you.

This lesson is self-explanatory yet somehow we do not like this lesson. We are all guilty of pointing fingers at others, the current situations we are in or whatever else we can blame. We as people hate to accept responsibility for our actions and it’s honestly time that we learn to own up to our mistakes. Things happen, trust me I know, but the only person to blame is ourselves. I do not mean this any bad way and I’m not saying we should sit around and have pity-parties for ourselves or be mad at the world for every little thing that happens. But, what I am saying is, it’s time to accept what cannot be changed and move on. There’s no point in getting mad at the officer for giving you a speeding ticket because guess what sweetie? YOU were speeding and that is no one’s fault but yours.

These two lessons are teaching me to not only love myself but also how to hold myself accountable for everything I do. Life can be hard at times. Just remember that if you do not learn from the mistakes made prior, you are only making it harder for yourself. So let’s make it a mission to stop ignoring the signs and lessons given, and try to live healthier emotional lives.

Love always,


P.S. Thankful for Mom and Dad who have been able to teach me these two lessons. Without you two, I would not be the person I am today. Love you oh-so much.

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